Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dan Lane has kindly provided a script for me that creates 4x4 matrix node(s) based on the global kinematics of multiple objects selected (as well as the ICE tree to paste the nodes in).

The code also demonstrates how to add comments to the nodes.

(Thanks Dan!)

var iceTreeArray = new Array();
var objectArray = new Array();

// Loop through selection and check their type store them in arrays
for ( var i = 0 ; i < selection.count ; i++)

var objType = selection.item(i).type

if ( objType == "ICETree")
// it's an ice tree store it in the iceTree Array
iceTreeArray[iceTreeArray.length] = selection.item(i);


// it's an object store it in the object Array
objectArray[objectArray.length] = selection.item(i);

}// end else

}// end i loop

// check if we have ice trees and objects
if(objectArray.length != 0 && iceTreeArray.length != 0 )

// loop through the ice tree array
for ( var i = 0 ; i < iceTreeArray.length ; i++)
// get an ice tree from the array to work with
var currentIceTree = iceTreeArray[i];

// loop through the obj
for (var j = 0 ; j < objectArray.length; j++ )

var currentObject = objectArray[j];

var IceMatrixNode = AddICENode("$XSI_DSPRESETS\\ICENodes\\4x4MatrixNode.Preset" , currentIceTree.fullname );

// name the matrix node so we know which object it relates to.
SetValue( IceMatrixNode.fullname + ".ICETreeComment.Text", currentObject.fullname , null);

// collect the objects transform
var obj_Trans = currentObject.Kinematics.Global.GetTransform2(0);

// convert transform to 4x4 matrix
var GlobalMatrix = XSIMath.CreateMatrix4();
obj_Trans.GetMatrix4( GlobalMatrix );

// loop through object matrix rows and colums and insert values into ice node
for ( var row = 0 ; row < 4 ; row++ )

for( var col = 0 ; col < 4 ; col++ )
var the = GlobalMatrix.Value( row, col );
SetValue(IceMatrixNode.fullname + ".value_" + row + col , the , null);
}// end colume loop

}// end row loop
}// end j loop
}// end i loop

}// end if
